
 Hi. My name is Mckenna, nice to meet you! Welcome to Becoming A Free Spirit, my blog which will hopefully one day be on an actual website rather than blogger haha.

Over the past few months, I've felt a longing inside me which I've come to call my void. I want to experience all that life has to offer. I want to do everything; see everything. And I mean EVERYTHING! I have so many things on my mind, internal plans, and lists. This longing for something more started to take a negative toll on my life. Constant anxiety and worry about what I was going to do next, trying to fit all my plans into my busy schedule all at once. I felt hopeless, I felt exhausted. It was at a point, where I couldn't sleep at night. Now, my plans were not the sole reason for this. I had lots on my mind, but this was the base reason. 

After a breakdown in front of my boyfriend, I realized (okay, I had lots of realizations, this only being one) that in order to do all I wanted to do, I had to slow down. If I didn't take the time to slow down and take care of myself and my mental health, I was going to experience serious burnout and anxiety. I started writing down everything, something I hadn't done before outside of the odd journal or diary entry. Suddenly, my notebooks were filling up at triple the rate as usual! That's when I realized that I had a lot to share. Advice, experiences, hopes, and dreams. Why not write it all down online and try to find others in the same predicament as me?

My I want to do everything era.

There was one time maybe a month or so ago when I took myself on a little date. I drove all the way to the beach (In the middle of winter) and walked along the water. From roughly late October through mid-February I tend to get seasonal depression. I crave the summer. The long days, the sun, and the ability to go out without a puffy jacket ruining my outfit. I just want to do things. Not sit alone at home all day. It doesn't really help that my friends maybe aren't as willing to go out with me, or are too busy (a post within itself... another day). I wanted to do something spontaneous, I wanted to go into the water. 

Okay, it was way too cold to go entirely in the water, but I did take my shoes off and put my feet in. I sent a video I took of myself to my boyfriend and he replied with probably one of my favourite texts I had ever received.

"You're a free spirit"

That text spoke to me for some reason I can't even fully explain. A free spirit... Now that is what I aspire to be. I want to be adventurous, spontaneous, thrill-seeking, outgoing. I want to be a free spirit. 

This blog (and soon podcast) will entail all things wellness and mental health, travel, relationships, adventures, and my personal experiences. I plan to get this off of blogger and onto an actual website eventually. An advice column as well as a spot for all of my current plans, a place to essentially cross off my to-do list, are things I envision in the near future! 

So join me on my journey to becoming a more adventurous and free spirit. I hope you'll stick around :)

Much love, 

Mckenna <3


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for the support!! Can't wait to have you on the podcast <3


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