slowing down with the seasons

As we work our way through September and October, the seasons start to change with the months. For us in the northern hemisphere, the leaves turn orange and brown, slowly beginning to fall towards the earth, leaving our trees bare. The birds that sang (cawed obnoxiously) over the spring and summer are now overhead flying south to warmer days. Flowers wilt and animals prepare for their winter hibernations. The world around us begins to slow down before reaching the stillness of winter. All these changes seem to flow so seamlessly as they bleed into one another.

If nature goes through its seasons yearly, why don't we allow ourselves to do the same?

Spring is a time of blooming, of change. Summer is a time of activity and thriving. Yet we expect ourselves to keep trudging through the fall and winter at full speed, full schedules, and full effort.

When really, they're supposed to be a time full of rest, reflection, and preparation for the next bloom.

There's a song I love called Seasons by Rhys Lewis that really speaks to me. There's one lyric in particular that I think goes perfectly with this piece:

"You don't blame the days for getting shorter,

So why'd you blame yourself for getting down?

We all go through seasons,"

We must allow ourselves the time and grace to go through our own seasons of life, just as with nature. Some aren't going to be as thrilling as others, they might be slower, more time at home, and that's okay. Just as with nature, our seasons of life are not all the same. Even though their energies may differ, they are all beautiful in their own ways and an important transition towards what is next to come. 

So slow down when your mind and body need it. Take the time you need. And when you have sustained the energy and put in the work, go full steam ahead with your work and passions.

There's something magical about the world changing throughout the year. Let's start allowing the same of ourselves. 

I've included my own little guide that I like to use myself on how to flow with the seasons. Your seasons of life may not always align with the physical, but it's a great place to start.

spring: spring cleaning, new habits, trying new outfits or styles, starting a new hobby, go on walks

summer: see friends, explore new places, work on your goals and passions

autumn: self reflection, inner work, spend time with family, solo dates

winter:  warm drinks and cozy sweaters, prioritize sleep, yoga, meditation, journal

With thoughtful intentions,

Mckenna <3


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