2023 Goals Check-in

 Can you believe it's already half way through summer and I still haven't swam in a lake yet??

With it being well into July, I figured that it was time to start going through my 2023 goals list and see what I've completed and what is still yet to be done. For those of you who haven't found that page yet, Here was the list I created back when I started this blog in March:

  • Stand outside of a sunroof ✅
  • Swim in a lake
  • Ice skate
  • Go to the drive-in
  • Run through a field (preferably in a flowy dress)✅
  • Go camping with no plan -> forestry campsite
  • Spontaneous trip 
  • Runaway (just disappear for a few days SAFELY WITH MY BF AND PARENTS KNOWING OR WITH ME)
  • Watch the sunset at local paintball field
  • Hike Joffre Lakes
  • Have a picnic ✅
  • Take a pottery class
  • Take a horse-riding lesson
  • Chase waterfalls
  • Swim in the ocean ✅
  • Sleep under the stars
  • Get my first tattoo
  • Have a baking date with BF
  • Scream at the top of my lungs✅
  • Study at the Vancouver Library
  • Plan to move out within 2023/24
  • Have a fire ✅
  • Go on a train
  • Dance in the rain
  • Slow dance in the headlights with BF
  • Go to a farmers market✅
  • Sign up for a random class, dance, yoga, art, etc. ✅

And would you look at that... 8/27. Okay, not my best work. But I'm kind of proud of myself. I've completed so much off of this list, and remember that I still have 5 months left to complete it! Lots of time. 

I went to a farmers market this past weekend with my dad. It was actually spontaneous, we just drove by it on our way back from something else and decided to stop by. All the fresh fruits and veggies looked so good. A lot of people were selling their homemade goods from soaps, cutting boards, paintings, hats, breads and more. I would love to participate in a farmers market someday, selling stuff that I've created with my own hands. Maybe I'll add that to the 2024 goals list. We got some delicious looking local green apples as our take-home. 

Not too long ago I went on an overnight trip and on the way home, we stopped at a big open grassy field that was right next to a gas station. I wasn't wearing the flowy dress like I had hoped, but it was super fun. Running through and laying in grass nearly as tall as me. It was like how I imagine people would walk around before roads or sidewalks came into existence, trudging through the natural earth. 

On another day I did get to wear my what I like call "Pride and Prejudice dress" in a field. I didn't run through it as there were lots of coyotes in the area, but I did get to feel like a pretty princess in my faraway countryside. Despite the suburbs surrounding the abandoned field. 

I've had many picnics, both by myself in perfect solitude and one with my boyfriend. Nothing beats yummy snacks and a good book in a grassy park. Well, maybe the beach. I've gone to the beach many times. It's my favourite thing to do during the summer. My latest time I actually went by myself during a super hot day and I read my book. It was a weekday during the afternoon so it wasn't actually that busy, just how I like it. I even got brave enough to go swimming in the water by myself. 3 months ago I never would have done that. I would've been far to nervous and anxious. As I've been enjoying saying... new half year, new me.

I've done a lot of growth since starting this blog. And I'm proud to say so. I'm not the same person I was. I've realized that life is so much more than what we've been told it has to be. We can make life whatever we want. There truly are no rules, no timelines. 

I think I realize that more and more everyday. I can't help but feel mad at myself though. For not doing bigger and better things yet, for not making many bold moves. I just feel like I'm in this constantly cycle of waiting for something to happen. 

I really want to get into the habit of making my goals happen rather than waiting for them. I want to take small steps every day to work towards the larger goal. 

Okay, getting my first tattoo. I'm making a promise to myself to contact an artist by the end of the summer. There! My next step is planned. That's the easy part, now all I have to do is follow through. Oh, and swimming in a lake? I WILL be swimming in my lake when I go August long weekend, even though it's usually freezing. 

I am proud of all I've done so far and the amazing progress I've made. You should be proud of yourself too. I'm not 100% yet, I still have a lot to work on. If we had nothing to work on, life wouldn't be very fulfilling then, would it?

With love,

Mckenna <3


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