
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Rain Made Me Smile

I never liked having afternoon classes, mine being from 2:30-430. Especially when I have something due that class that I've left until the last minute, making myself spend the morning finishing it. Despite having a car and license, I choose to take the bus and train most days for my many reasons. To save on gas, eliminate my driving anxiety, have time to myself, I mean I already pay my transit pass in my tuition so why also pay for gas plus parking as well???    I have to leave an hour before class to make it on time, although most days I end up leaving sometime between 12 and 1 so that I can walk around or get something to eat before class starts. I usually don't get home until 5:30. It just feels like my entire day is gone. Sometimes I do things in the morning before class; go to the gym, go on a walk, get breakfast. But hanging out with others? Impossible. As much as I like it, not many people want to hang out in the morning, plus I'm not a fan of hangouts with a time li

Breaking Up With My Phone.

 About a month ago, I was walking along and came across one of those "take a book, leave a book" library cupboards. I was in between books at the time and needed something new to read so I stopped and had a peak inside. I came across a book titled "How to Break Up with Your Phone" by Catherine Price.  Now, for the last year or so I had been noticing my eyesight seriously declining. I knew it was because of all my screen time. Staring at something right in front of me sometimes for an hour or two straight. It's terrifying, really, how much time we spend  waste looking at our phones. I had been meaning to minimize my screen time and now seemed like as good of a time as any to start. The first half of the book goes through a bunch of research and studies, telling you why you need to "break up" with your phone. The second half goes through how to do so and how to rebuild a better relationship with your device.  I spent a week or so reading the first half a

My Quarter Life Crisis

 Honestly, I have no  idea how to even start talking about this. And I didn't the first time I told someone about it either.  We have all probably heard of a mid-life crisis. Someone in their 40s starts to question all of their life decisions and stereotypically goes out, buys an expensive sportscar, or starts dating someone half their age.  Now I didn't make any reckless purchases or jeopardize my loving relationship, but I definitely did experience the questioning my life and decisions part.  Thinking back, I don't even really know how it began. I started listing out all the things I want to do, all the things I haven't done yet. Then I started thinking about running out of time. About death. Death scares me. It always has. My earliest memory was way back in grade 3. I was with one of my best friends at the time. We were walking around at recess and somehow we got on the topic of her fear of death.  She asked me, "What does it feel like? Like you're just not


 Hi. My name is Mckenna, nice to meet you! Welcome to Becoming A Free Spirit, my blog which will hopefully  one day be on an actual website rather than blogger haha. Over the past few months, I've felt a longing inside me which I've come to call my void. I want to experience all that life has to offer. I want to do everything; see everything. And I mean EVERYTHING! I have so many things on my mind, internal plans, and lists. This longing for something more started to take a negative toll on my life. Constant anxiety and worry about what I was going to do next, trying to fit all my plans into my busy schedule all at once. I felt hopeless, I felt exhausted. It was at a point, where I couldn't sleep at night. Now, my plans were not the sole reason for this. I had lots on my mind, but this was the base reason.  After a breakdown in front of my boyfriend, I realized (okay, I had lots  of realizations, this only being one) that in order to do all I wanted to do, I had to slow dow