The Rain Made Me Smile

I never liked having afternoon classes, mine being from 2:30-430. Especially when I have something due that class that I've left until the last minute, making myself spend the morning finishing it. Despite having a car and license, I choose to take the bus and train most days for my many reasons. To save on gas, eliminate my driving anxiety, have time to myself, I mean I already pay my transit pass in my tuition so why also pay for gas plus parking as well??? I have to leave an hour before class to make it on time, although most days I end up leaving sometime between 12 and 1 so that I can walk around or get something to eat before class starts. I usually don't get home until 5:30. It just feels like my entire day is gone. Sometimes I do things in the morning before class; go to the gym, go on a walk, get breakfast. But hanging out with others? Impossible. As much as I like it, not many people want to hang out in the morning, plus I'm not a fan of hangouts with a time li...