Becoming a Positive Free Spirit

 I had a wakeup call not too long ago about my negative mindset. Not only was it affecting me and my personal happiness, but it was also affecting those around me and my relationships with them. 

I've been dealing with this internalized sense of negativity for over a year, struggling with being able to feel happy and have genuine fun. I felt like I had tried every trick in the book to become more positive. The one thing I forgot to try though, was simply implementing a positive mindset! 

Some might say it's easier said than done, and honestly, it is. I mean, it took me a year to figure it out. Once you do it though, it suddenly becomes so easy. 

I remember back when I was in mid-late high school I had a permanent positive mindset. Everything felt so free and easy simply because I chose to be the "glass half full" kind of person. I never understood why everyone else was so pessimistic and negative in contrast. It was like people were trying to bring other's moods down. That's not the type of person I wanted to be.

Now, I want to take a second to point out toxic positivity is a thing and is problematic. The type of positivity where even in absolutely devastating circumstances you tell others to just "be positive" rather than allowing them to have emotions. That is not the type of positivity I am referring to in this piece! I definitely used to be a perpetrator of this false sense of comfort to others, although I believe I've left that behind.

I recently realized that over the past year, I have been that person bringing other's moods down. I now catch myself when I'm being overly negative for no reason, or feeding into other people's negativity. 

Once everything clicked, it was suddenly so simple to change my mindset and in turn my attitude. I started to become not only more positive, but more ambitious, happy, and loving. Life is full of so many beautiful little things if you allow yourself to see them, and I want to see them again. 

As I continue on my growth journey, this is a key and vital step. This change in my mindset directly impacts every aspect of my life. Instead of seeing all of my setbacks and failures, I see opportunities to do better, learn more, try different things. Instead of being upset by the cold dark weather, I see the perfect excuse to get cozy inside with a good book and blanket, or better yet, a chance to go outside and play in the rain or snow! I am relearning to seize the moment and embrace spontaneity. I think it's often a beautiful opportunity to relearn something. You gain so much insight and get to live that “aha" moment all over again once you finally get it.

Here’s to more love, laughter and positive vibes,

Mckenna <3


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