reaching towards my goals | checking in

    As the end of the year quickly approaches, I've been starting to think more about my 2023 goals list that I made way back in February. So far I've completed 13/23 of them.

    I knew going into it that I probably would not be able to check off all of them this year, especially with me working and being in school full time. Despite those obstacles, I think I've made some pretty good progress. 

    I wanted to take a quick look at what's left on the list and see if there's a way to fit as many of these goals in over the next month and a half! 

1. Go ice skating. Easy! I live right by an ice rink. I even own my own ice skates, they just need to be sharpened. 

2. Drive-In. Okay so there is actually a drive-in theatre nearby to me. The problem with this one is that it never plays any movies that I'm interested in! It's also gotten super expensive, like $20 per person, when I could go to the actual theatre for only around $14 each. 

3. Get my tattoo. I decided near the beginning of the year I wanted my first tattoo, and took a few months finalizing exactly what I wanted. We did actually message the artist I wanted! She unfortunately hasn't gotten back to us yet though, and is booked for months in advance. Maybe next year? 

4. Go on a train. I am! It's booked! I'm going to Quebec for Christmas with my family this year and we are taking the train from Quebec City to Montreal. Very excited, it'll be my first time on a real train.

5. Baking Date. Someone tell my boyfriend to get on this because I have been asking forever and have been dropping so many hints lately!

    There's a few others as well, which I don't have much to say about. I honestly am not mad at myself for only completing as much as I have. Could I of accomplished more? Absolutely, but I'm happy with how it's gone seeing as how busy I've been this past year. 

    Before I sign off this short entry, I wanted to touch quickly on timing. I'm a big believer in that things will work out when the time is right. Recently I found out that I won't be able to take any classes in my next semester of school, for reasons I won't get into right now. At first, I was devastated, worries, frustrated and annoyed. After some pondering and thinking today, I've realized that this is actually what I've been wanting forever. I've been asking for more free time, time to work on myself, or work on my goals and dreams. Time to go away and get out. Now, the opportunity has been placed right in front of me, and to think my initial reaction was so negative about it! Next semester I'll finally have all of the opportunities I've been waiting for. I am beyond excited now, after realizing this. 

    Things will happen to you when the time is right. Of course, big things won't get handed to you without the hard work first. But I think I deserve a semester off after being in school nonstop for the past two years. So if whatever you've been waiting for hasn't happened yet, don't worry. If you keep putting in the work, it will happen, when the time is right.

    If you guys didn't already know, I have a podcast! So far I have one episode uploaded, but another episode is currently in the works. You can find the links under my "podcast" page (right next to my goals page!).

Here's to reaching our goals,

Mckenna <3


  1. Boyfriend here: thanks for spelling out goal 5 for me <3 I'm proud of everything you accomplished this year! You've been working really hard and it shows. Good job my love!!!


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