Being a messy person

 Okay, so I have always been that kid with the super messy room. Toys all over the floor, clothes spilling out of the closet, the floor never to be seen. I carried this with me through my teenage years. I was never really able to have friends over on a whim as it would always be a mess with most times not even a place to sit that wasn't covered by a pile of clothes. Constant nagging from my mother to clean it only motivated me less and less. Now 20 and an adult, I face the same issues. I'm not a dirty person, nearly messy. And the thing is that I actually don't mind cleaning. However, my room just gets to the point where it grows from a 10-minute task to a multi-day one to clean. I can begin to clean but either get too tired, too distracted, too unmotivated. It never gets done and then gets bad again. 

If you've been on girl tiktok, you've probably heard an audio or two from The Fantastic Mr. Fox. One goes, "I don't want to live in a hole anymore," and that describes exactly how I feel. I want to be able to have my friends over to hang out, to have my boyfriend walk through my room without tripping on anything, to have enough floor space to do yoga, to have room for my cats to lay down. 

Some of my "teenage dream-esque" summer goals include sleepovers, friend hangouts, girls nights, etc. and I want to be able to live out all of my summer dreams without feeling embarrassed or the need to speed clean (aka shove every little thing in a drawer, closet, or under the bed) right before. 

I am done being a messy person, and I am done living in a hole. 

Now, this blog would not be complete without some before photos AND a classic Mckenna to-do list. How I love my to-do lists.

1. Vacuum/Carpet clean

2. Clean out under my bed

3. Clean out/organize closet, donate clothes I don't wear

4. Go through all drawers

Bonus: clean out my car!

I know only having 4 tasks main tasks makes it seem so easy, but trust me, this will take me about a month. And that is how long I will give myself. As I am writing this, it is June 1st. I am giving myself until July 1st to complete all 4 main tasks. And to make sure I do it, I am uploading photos of my disaster room to the internet, something I have never tried in my many years of attempted cleanings. So friends, family, strangers, whoever is reading this... PLEASE help motivate me and keep me on track! 

i don't spend as much time as I used to, but I do still spend a lot of my time in my room. As mothers love to say, a cluttered space is a cluttered mind. And that is exactly how I feel when I am in my room, especially while trying to work on anything productive such as school or even this blog. 

I guess I will talk to you all again in a month for part 2, the results!

Happy spring (summer) cleaning,



  1. Proud of you for this, this something thats probably super hard to talk about. You got this!


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