
Showing posts from June, 2023

The importance of self-projects

 So I’ve already talked about my take on self-care. One thing (I think) I mentioned was having something you do for yourself. A self-project. For me, one of my projects this year was this blog! And I’m here, I have it, I finally made a blog! I have so many other self-projects in my head that I also would like to get started on sometime in the near future after I get this blog really going. Today I wanted to talk a little bit about what I mean by a self-project and why I think they are so important to have.  We all (hopefully) have goals in life, and those usually fall into one of these categories; career, relationships, financial, or personal. Maybe your goal is to finish your degree to get the career you want, or you want to save up enough money for a down payment on a house, maybe you want to move in with your partner. Those examples cover the first 3 categories, but what about personal goals?  See, from my observations and experiences, we all have personal goals. We talk about them

Being a messy person

 Okay, so I have always been that kid with the super messy room. Toys all over the floor, clothes spilling out of the closet, the floor never to be seen. I carried this with me through my teenage years. I was never really able to have friends over on a whim as it would always be a mess with most times not even a place to sit that wasn't covered by a pile of clothes. Constant nagging from my mother to clean it only motivated me less and less. Now 20 and an adult, I face the same issues. I'm not a dirty person, nearly messy. And the thing is that I actually don't mind cleaning. However, my room just gets to the point where it grows from a 10-minute task to a multi-day one to clean. I can begin to clean but either get too tired, too distracted, too unmotivated. It never gets done and then gets bad again.  If you've been on girl tiktok, you've probably heard an audio or two from The Fantastic Mr. Fox. One goes, "I don't want to live in a hole anymore," and