
Showing posts from May, 2023

Learning to enjoy slow days

 As I have mentioned on here before, I feel the need to always  be doing something either exciting or productive. I tend to feel rather bored and restless with the mundane, like I am wasting my time. Of course, my journey is about learning how to do those exciting tasks. However, it is also about learning to be okay with the less exciting tasks. After all, self-care is still productive. I just have to reprogram my mind to think so.  I started cycle-syncing about a month and a half ago. If you or someone close to you menstruates, I highly recommend that you look into it. In short, it's syncing your food, workouts and daily activates with whichever phase of your cycle you are currently in (there are four total). I don't sync absolutely every part of my life yet, it's only my second cycle trying. I'm still learning. I do find that I am slowly becoming more in tune with my body, my mood, my needs and wants.  I woke up today to my menstrual phase starting early, a very unple