
Showing posts from April, 2023

I Tried A Yoga Class For The First Time

 Yoga is nothing new to me. I've been watching youtube videos and doing it at home for years now, probably since the beginning of high school. I was never consistent with it so I still can't do the splits or other crazy stretches. I only recently became capable of touching my toes without bending my knees... I mainly did it when I wanted to feel active. There were periods when it became an essential part of my day-to-day routine, but it honestly never stuck the way I wanted it to. I either didn't have enough room, my family was always around to distract me, or It was hard to find videos that weren't total beginner but weren't too advanced either. Tbh just a bunch of excuses.  One of my goals for 2023 was to try a class. Take a lesson for something. So I finally did it. I went to an actual yoga class. My city actually hosts a very wide range of activities and lessons at their multiple rec centers. Ice skating, swimming, fitness, cooking, art, pottery, and of course y

Redefining Self-Care

Ever since having my quarter-life crisis I've been go go go trying to accomplish everything all at once. I just want to be out 24/7, always doing something exciting. But that's when burnout happens. I've definitely experienced burnout a few times. Last winter I was going out with friends almost every single day, before work, after work, on my days off. It felt really good in the moment but after a month or so of doing that, I began to feel exhausted. I needed balance. I needed some self-care. That's the thing with goals and dreams. You're never going to reach them if you don't take care of yourself along the way on your journey. But what exactly is self-care? It's just facemasks and bubble baths, right? The media often portrays self-care as something you can just do once in a while when you need it. Like a singular activity such as putting cucumbers over your eyes while you're in the bath. And then that's it. suddenly you're calm and refreshed. 

Do Not Wait.

 I love the band Wallows. I found them a super long time ago, it's probably been close to 4 or 5 years now. I remember I heard their first released song, Pleaser, and was obsessed. Of course they got popular among indie tiktok when they released their song with Clairo. Even my friends who didn't listen to that kind of music loved "Are You Bored Yet?" and to this day that's probably one of their most popular songs, (I would know since that's the one song every person in the room yelled at their concert last year) but it's not mine. Mine is "Do Not Wait" for reasons I can only attempt to explain.  I wish I could hear this song again for the first time. The genius of their album Nothing Happens is, although nothing revolutionary to the music industry, insane. The album fits so well together that if you listen to it in order, many of the songs actually fade into one another including looping from the end of the album back to the start.  My favourite