
Showing posts from October, 2023

Surviving Academic Burnout

Happy October first! October has always been one of my favourite months, and not just because it hosts both my birthday and Halloween…  October is when I first really begin to notice the season changing from summer to autumn. The leaves change colours and the cool breeze nips away at you despite the sun still shining bright. Warm tea and coffee become the drinks of choice and of course, pumpkins are everywhere!  It’s during this time I like to remind myself that just like the weather and the leaves falling off of trees, we too go through seasons of life.   Right now I'm in my season of learning to take life day by day. Reminding myself that I don't have to be out and about on some crazy expedition in order to be happy. I can feel joy wherever I am if I go into it with a positive attitude. I'm in my season of school work and productivity. If I'm honest though, I'm in my season of burnout.  I have to be working towards something to feel productive. Whether that's